
Additional Dependencies

This importer requires the following additional libraries.

You may install the needed gems individually by running gem install GEM_NAME or install all of them with a single invocation:gem install safe_yaml sequel unidecode

This importer only converts your posts and creates YAML front-matter. It does not import any layouts, styling, or external files (images, CSS, etc).


Sample snippet to invoke the importer:

jekyll import wordpress --dbname DB --socket SOCKET --user USER --password PW --host HOST --port PORT --table_prefix PREFIX --site_prefix PREFIX --clean_entities --comments --categories --tags --more_excerpt --more_anchor --status STATUS,STATUS2

Option <PARAM>Description
--dbname DB

Database name.

Default:  ''
--socket SOCKET

Database socket.

Default:  ''
--user USER

Database user name.

Default:  ''
--password PW

Database user’s password.

Default:  ''
--host HOST

Database host name.

Default:  'localhost'
--port PORT

Database port number.

Default:  ''
--table_prefix PREFIX

Table prefix name.

Default:  'wp_'
--site_prefix PREFIX

Site prefix name.

Default:  ''

Whether to clean entities.

Default:  true

Whether to import comments.

Default:  true

Whether to import categories.

Default:  true

Whether to import tags.

Default:  true

Whether to use more excerpt.

Default:  true

Whether to use more anchor.

Default:  true

Array of allowed statuses (‘publish’, ‘draft’, ‘private’, ‘revision’).

Default:  ['publish']